Antique American Tall Case Grandfather Clocks, New Jersey Tall Case Grandfather Clocks, New England Weight Driven Banjo, Weight Driven Wall Regulators, Early American Shelf Clocks 973 723 7947 Voice & SMS Text,, Copyright C. 2020
Willard’s Patent C. 1815 Banjo Timepiece w/original glasses
“Willard’s Patent”
Boston, circa 1815, eglomise base panel signed “Willard’s Patent”, decorated throat and base panels with pale green and black decoration, throat panel attached to the case with four screws through the frame. The throat tablet with exquisite sunburst, decoration. The heavy iron convex painted dial with Roman numerals retains the original paint and graphics. The top of the case is adorned with a period brass finial that rests on the original chimney block. A cast lead weight with “duck bill” hook powers the clock. The pendulum with a large brass clad lead bob and “T” suspension bridge. The oversized eight day weight driven brass timepiece. The reverse glass tablets are original with in-painting and conservation to the bottom glass. Overall dimensions 33-3/4 x 10 x 3-1/2 in.